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This is a live demo of Kontxt's collaboration layer. Kontxt's collaboration layer enhances any digital content with localized discussions on page parts, and its Content Management System can be used to organize, share, and discover information.

Collaboration Layer

Add any URL or document to enable collaboration on it by direct upload or with the Kontxt Chrome Extension. Invite others and manage feedback in one place.
Or add collaboration on your own sites directly or with the Kontxt WordPress Plugin. Boost user engagement and streamline communication.


The menu shows actions that can be performed on the document. Likes, comments, polls, tags, shares, and more!
Desktop Menu
Mobile Menu
Permissions are set by the owner of each document. Click help help on the menu to see what you're allowed to do.


Select text and click the marker border_color that appears to make highlights.
highlighter icon
Click the highlight to comment mode_comment, poll poll, or delete delete.
highlighter icon
Click on a user to see their highlights. Click local navigation arrows arrow_drop_up arrow_drop_down to scroll to previous and next highlights.
highlighter icon
Click view highlights chrome_reader_mode to see a condensed overview of the selected user's activity. For global navigation, select a highlight in the condensed view or the yellow tick mark highlight tick mark global navigation to scroll to that highlight.


Comment on specific highlights or the document. Comments are enhanced with @mentions, #tags, and emojis.
inline comments


Poll on specific highlights or the general document. Polls have radio buttons, checkboxes, and open response for all your polling needs. Keep the results private to yourself, or make them visible for users, too
inline polls


Share documents and folders with individuals and groups. Control who and how people can access your content with tiered privileges: read-only, comment and poll submission, and highlight.

Content Management System

Organize, share, and discover enhanced content. Centralize communication on the source itself with localized feedback on page parts, so discussions are clear, organized, and accessible by anyone at any time.
Upload PDFs to convert them to websites with collaboration and universal access by anyone at anytime. Add a link to enhance a site, or install the Kontxt Chrome Extension to highlight, tag, and manage your resources across various sites in one place.


Manage all your documents. Easily search and filter to find what you need.


Organize content into folders to keep related information together for projects and easy sharing.


Connect with users to share and discover content with them.


Create and join groups around projects, classes, and interesting topics. Share and discover content together


Share documents and folders with individuals and groups. Control who and how people can access your content with tiered privileges: read-only, comment and poll submission, and highlight.


View the activity of your connections and groups to stay up to date and interact with others.


Discover publicly shared content by anyone to find the best information on the web or in your organization.

Contact Us

We're here to help! If you need help or have any questions, please contact us at info@kontxt.io.
Let us know what you think!